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Effective ways to clean your curtains

Curtains tend to collect dust, pet hair, and bacteria very easily. They also absorb all different types of odours from around the house. Overtime, this could significantly affect the quality of your indoor air and the beauty of your home, not to mention increasing symptoms for allergy sufferers.  Even if your curtains don’t look dirty, regular cleaning will help to keep them fresh, extend their life, and ensure a healthy environment for your family. Read on for simple and effective ways to clean and maintain your curtains.

Seasonal cleaning:

Seasonal cleaning is ideal for curtains that have not been washed for a while or never been washed at all. The type, fabric, and size of your curtains play a big role in whether the cleaning process is easier or a bit harder than you had imagined. Many ready-made curtains will have a washing label with special instructions to help you keep your curtains looking their best. Try to find this label and read it carefully before you proceed.

If your curtains are washing-machine friendly, you can simply pop them in and choose a gentle cycle, or a cool wash on a slower spin cycle. If you are washing large curtains, it might be a good idea to do two washes instead of putting them all together in the same wash.

If you are unsure whether your curtains can be washed in the washing machine or not, you can choose to hand-wash them using your bathtub and either your regular laundry detergent or a gentle soap designed for hand-washing delicates.

Whether you opt for the hand-washing option or machine-washing one, don’t be tempt to dry your washed curtains in your temple dryer or they’ll end up with stubborn creases that even a hot iron can’t remove. The best way is to let them dry naturally by hanging them up in a place away from the direct sunlight.

Remember, if the label on your curtains says that they should only be dry-cleaned, take them to a trusted dry cleaner!

Steam cleaning:

Steam cleaning curtains is an excellent choice for curtains made from very heavy materials to avoid a lengthy drying process, or for curtains that are particularly difficult to take down from the rail. For best results, use a good quality steam cleaner with an upholstery attachment and start the cleaning process from top all the way down. However, check the label on your curtains before you start to make sure that they are not heat-sensitive and to avoid causing any damage.

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Regular cleaning:

Every week, give your curtains a good shake before you clean the room to dislodge dust. Once a month, use the soft brush attachment to gently vacuum your curtains and remove surface dust and dirt. This way, you’ll prevent stains from becoming ground into the material and enjoy fresh looking curtains for longer.

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